Tag Archives: MIMI IMPORTS


Why We Love MailChimp

You’ve probably noticed by now, but we recently launched a new website. While developing our site, we were introduced to other tools that we could use to help us spread our message. One of the best ones that we were shown was an web-based email marketing platform called MailChimp. We believe that MailChimp is an […]


Why Mimi, not “Me Too”

At Mimi Imports, we believe that good businesses provide products that their customers will benefit from. What better way to do this than to offer products that customers want, but can’t access? During the 2010 World Cup, we realized that there was a serious gap in the Canada and US soccer shop market. Other major […]


Why We Carry Soccer Products

At Mimi Imports, we often get asked why we decided to start carrying soccer gifts and memorabilia. We love answering this question, because it really explains how Mimi Imports came to be. Growing up I, like many children, spent my summers playing on a community soccer team. As I grew up I stopped playing in […]