Why Mimi, not “Me Too”

At Mimi Imports, we believe that good businesses provide products that their customers will benefit from. What better way to do this than to offer products that customers want, but can’t access?

During the 2010 World Cup, we realized that there was a serious gap in the Canada and US soccer shop market. Other major sports leagues and sporting events, such as the Olympics, all had fan merchandise that was endless and easily accessible. Unfortunately, we found that soccer fans weren’t offered the same luxury during the World Cup and during regular European Soccer seasons. It was this realization that prompted us to start distributing products that would close this gap.

As we began to expand our business into other product categories, we started to find more gaps in the market that needed closing. We realized that soccer fans weren’t the only ones who had trouble finding merchandise for the brands they love. Our store owners started providing us with requests and feedback from their customers about brands and products that were in high demand, but could not be found or were not easy to stock on a regular basis. This lead to us to brands such as Guinness, Doctor Who, and Downton Abbey, all of which were extremely popular outside of North America, but lacked a local distributor to bring them to market. We knew that this had to change and today we are happy to be in partnership with fast growing global brands. We always listen to our customers so please connect with us to discuss products or brands that you see demand for in your stores.

Today, Mimi Imports offers more than just soccer products. We have expanded our product line to offer Doctor Who, Guinness, and country-related products. Through these products, we are connecting brands with customers they otherwise would not have been able to reach. If we had followed other distributors and stayed with mainstream products, we might as well have changed our name from Mimi Imports to Me Too Imports.

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